Your CWU bargaining representatives met with Telstra again yesterday, where the company has released its pay offer.
The important points are:
Furthermore, Telstra have committed to providing a draft EBA document which ensures workers will not trade-off any existing conditions.
Other than to say that, if secured, this will be the highest wage outcome seen at Telstra in 20 years, we have reserved our opinion on the offer in its entirety. Once the proposed document has been shared with us, we will commence a process of engaging and consulting with members on the offer to determine our next steps in the bargaining process.
In the meantime, we are continuing to pursue a better outcome for members employed under Job Family arrangements. We have sought that Telstra reconsiders their position on the Job Family wage pool – where we are seeking for a minimum safety-net to apply to those workers.
We will keep members updated as negotiations progress.
In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact your Branch Official.