The Abbott Government is seeking to substantially amend Comcare. The proposed changes will result in a significant reduction of entitlements for workers. The CWU national office has sent a submission to the Senate Inquiry. We have called for the proposed SRC (Improving the Comcare Scheme) Bill to be rejected. Click here to see our submission.
The list of cuts is long. Some of the changes that we oppose include cuts to incapacity benefits, payment of medical expenses, home help services, lump sum permanent impairment and unsuccessful claimants exposed to legal costs and sanctions which can compel workers to have treatment they do not want.
Unfortunately CWU members work in industries that are at the top of the list of Australia’s deadliest jobs.
Motorcycle crashes occur in significant numbers accounting for about 30% of all workers’ compensation claims with in Australia Post. Muscular stress while lifting and carrying objects (manual handling) is the most common cause of serious injury across Post accounting for about 43% of all workers’ compensations claims.
Cutting incapacity payments will not allow enough time to recover from these serious injuries.
Instead of reducing benefits available to workers the Government should be looking at how to reduce workplace injuries. This Bill does very little to put pressure on employers to improve safety in the workplace.