Following long, drawn-out negotiations, Decipha workers have strongly endorsed a new EBA secured by your united national CWU team, providing members and their families with job security and fair pay.
Fair Work Australia have now approved the Agreement and it will commence on April 7.
What’s in our new EBA?
√ No trade offs
All the workplace conditions and entitlements contained in the current EBA are being “rolled-in” to the new Agreement without any trade-offs.
√ A fair pay rise
The Agreement provides for a compounding annual pay rise of 3% per annum over the life of the Agreement.
√ Back-pay
The first 3% pay rise will be backdated to the first full pay period on or after 22 October 2015. This equates to more than 5 months of pay increase back money paid to every member on 21 April 2016 - being the first pay period following the commencement of the new Agreement.
√ Penalty rate extension
At a time when public debate is focused heavily on abolishing penalty rates, your new Agreement extends the eligible span of hours attracting a 15% penalty rate payment for time worked between the hours of 4am and 6am currently – to 4am and 8am at the commencement of the Agreement.
√ Job search entitlement
One day of job search entitlement will be available to employees who may wish to find alternative employment should a significant workplace change affect their current role.
√ Transition to retirement
As the workforce ages, more and more members have expressed an interest in transitioning to retirement. Management have committed to working fairly and openly in exploring arrangements to suit the individual needs of employees wishing to engage in such an arrangement.
You can download a full copy of the Agreement here.
Your Union wishes to thank the many members who played an active role in ensuring a successful bargaining campaign – particularly the many local workplace delegates who took part in developing the Union’s claims and participated in negotiations.
Only a strong Union can continue to deliver for its members
It’s incredibly important that your Union remains strong and influential in your workplace to continue delivering the best possible outcomes for members and their families.
Ask your colleagues who may not yet be members of the CWU to join today – a membership form is on the back of this circular.
Did you know?
For some time now, employers like Decipha have not been required to cover employees for any injuries that may be sustained while traveling to and from work - or when absent from the workplace during an authorised meal break.
But your CWU membership does! For more information and terms of the CEPU’s free journey cover plan that is included as part your ordinary Union membership, contact your local State Branch office.
Further information
If you require any further information about your conditions and entitlements at Decipha, please contact your local State Branch office.
Congratulations, again, on a successful outcome in your new EBA.