This year’s payment of the One Team Bonus will be paid on 4 September.
During bargaining for EBA9 we successfully secured the commitment to pay this additional 1% bonus payment, over and above the EBA pay rise – provided Post met key performance indicators relating to service targets and profit during the preceding financial year.
Members should start to receive letters to their home from 30 August detailing the amount payable to each individual. The actual amount you will receive will be dependent on your gross taxable income for the 2018-19 financial year.
To ensure those who work part-time hours would receive a genuine and worthwhile reward, we were successful in implementing a minimum reward amount of $250 – regardless of the hours you work.
We were successful in having these arrangements repeated across other AP group EBAs – including those covering members employed at Startrack and Decipha.
Should you have any concerns over the calculation of your bonus, please contact your State Branch Official for assistance.