Telstra has told the CWU that it intends to proceed with more of the job cut proposals recently notified to the union.
E-bulletin #18 reported that Telstra was going ahead with the redundancies in Asset Management and Assurance in Customer Service Delivery.
The union has now also received notifications of decisions to proceed with redundancies in the following areas:
36 roles affected 15 new roles created
9 roles redundant
200 voluntary redundancies
150 voluntary redundancies
49 redundancies, 20 new jobs plus one 9 month secondment.
While consultations about these proposals (or “initial decisions” as they are now called) has concluded, the CWU is still able to make representations to Telstra about how the actual redundancies that flow from them are being dealt with.
Members who want redeployment but are not being offered it or who, on the other hand, want to take a package but are being forcibly redeployed should contact their state branch.