Telstra Enterprise Bargaining 2019
Telstra Protected Action Ballot: You said YES 
e-Bulletin #1 - 26 February 2019 
Protected Action Notice #2: 
Protected Action Notice #3: 
Protected Action Notice #4:
Protected Action Notice #5: 
Protected Action Notice #6: 
Protected Action Notice #7: 
Bulletin - Telstra FWC Application 
Protected Action Notice #8: 
Protected Action Notice #9:
Protected Action Notice #10: 
Protected Action Notice #11: 
Protected Action Notice #12: 
Telstra Enterprise Bargaining 2018
Telstra EA: bargaining update #1 - 13 June 2018
Bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement at Telstra has well and truly commenced.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #2 - 20 June 2018
Telstra’s announcement that they will drastically cut its workforce is putting short-term profits above long-term services for the Australian community.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #3 - 9 July 2018
Telstra’s devastating job cuts announcement hasn’t gone without notice at the bargaining table.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #4 - 13 July 2018
It has been a long week at the bargaining table with robust debate from both sides.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #5 - 20 July 2018
Corporate greed is alive and very, very well at Telstra.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #6 - 27 July 2018
Telstra has drawn a line in the sand and killed off any potential further talks with Unions to reach agreement for a new EBA.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #7 - 10 August 2018
Voting on Telstra’s penny-pinching pay offer is now open. It’s time to stand up and be counted — it’s time to vote NO.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #8 - 10 August 2018
It would take more than 200 years for the average Telstra worker to earn what Telstra’s top 5 execs took home in just 12 months.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #9 - 10 August 2018
News just in – a record 81% of voters have rejected Telstra’s insultingly low penny-pinching pay offer that would have left workers facing a pay cut in real terms.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #10 - 16 August 2018
Telstra’s full-year profit of $3.6 billion means you shouldn’t have to take a pay cut.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #11 - 22 August 2018
Earlier today you received an email from Telstra CEO Andy Penn.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #12 - 5 October 2018
Since members across the country overwhelmingly rejected Telstra’s penny-pinching pay offer, your Union has continued to meet with the company in good faith in an effort to reach Agreement.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #13 - 6 December 2018
Bargaining has continued with Telstra refusing to improve their offer of a measly 1.5% wage rise for Workstream and an equivalent pay pool for Job Family - a pay cut in real terms for both workgroups.
Telstra EA: bargaining update #14 - 14 December 2018
CEPU/CWU members will be shortly given the opportunity to vote to engage in protected industrial action at Telstra.
Telstra Enterprise Bargaining 2015
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #16 - 24.09.2015
As you would be aware the Telstra employee ballot closed on Monday evening.
Telstra EA: bargaining Video - 14.09.2015
Three key issues that explains why the Telstra 2015 EA is not a good offer for Telstra Employees. Vote NO! View Video
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #15 - 2.09.2015
Bargaining for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) in Telstra has now come to an end – but full agreement has not been reached between Telstra and any of the three unions involved in the negotiations.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #14 - 26.08.2015
The most recent bargaining meeting for a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) in Telstra was held on Tuesday 26 August.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #13 - 20.08.2015
The negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement in Telstra are nearing conclusion. Agreement has been reached on most matters .. but not on all.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #12 - 7.08.2015
CWU and other union officials met with Telstra for the second time this week on Thursday 6 August. As this suggests, we are now moving towards the conclusion of bargaining and the parties have reached agreement on a wide range of issues.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #11 - 5.08.2015
The most recent meeting of the Telstra Enterprise Agreement negotiators was held on Tuesday 4 August 2015.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #10 - 8.07.2015
The CWU, other Telstra unions and individual bargaining agents met with Telstra on Tuesday 7 July to continue negotiations for a new Enterprise Agreement.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #9 - 2.07.2015
The parties involved in the current round of enterprise bargaining at Telstra met for the 10th time on Wednesday 1 July.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #8 - 24.06.2015
The 9th regular meeting in this round of Enterprise Bargaining was held on 23 June. The meeting continued discussions of issues that had been already put on the table ie Telstra’s extended shift proposal and questions of redeployment and reassignment procedures.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #7 - 17.06.2015
The Telstra EA negotiations continue, with the most recent meeting being held on Tuesday 16 June.
The meeting addressed a number of issues which had been previously raised by the unions, including payment for registration/accreditation where this is required for the performance of a job.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #6 - 10.06.2015
The seventh regular meeting in the current Telstra Enterprise Agreement negotiations was held on Tuesday 9 June. As usual, it was attended by representatives of the three unions involved in the negotiations - CWU, CPSU and Professionals Australia - and (in this case) by one individual bargaining representative.
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #5 - 2.06.2015
A short meeting was held on Tuesday 26 May at which the CPSU tabled its log of claims but no further business was done.
The next full meeting of the negotiators was held today Tuesday, 2 June.
Click below to read the Bargaining Bulletin #5
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #4 - 21.05.2015
The fourth meeting in this round of enterprise bargaining in Telstra was held on Thursday 21 May. This was a half-day meeting with the main item being the presentation of union claims.
Click below to read the Bargaining Bulletin #4
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #3 - 19.05.2015
The third Enterprise Agreement meeting between Telstra, the Telstra unions and other bargaining representatives was held on Tuesday 19 May.
Click below to read the Bargaining Bulletin #3
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #2 - 14.05.2015
The second Telstra EA bargaining meeting was held on Thursday 14 May. It was attended by representatives of the three Telstra unions, a number of individual bargaining representatives and of course Telstra itself.
Click below to read the Bargaining Bulletin #2
Telstra EA: Redundancy bulletin - 14.05.2015
Telstra has formally confirmed that it will not be seeking any changes to employees’ redundancy payout entitlements in the current round of enterprise bargaining.
Click below to read the Union Redundancy Bulletin and Telstra response.
Union Redundancy Bulletin
Telstra response
Telstra EA: bargaining bulletin #1 - 12.05.2015
The CWU and other Telstra unions (the CPSU and Professionals Australia) met with Telstra today, 12 May, for the opening of enterprise bargaining negotiations.
This was really a preliminary meeting concerned largely with technical matters such as the scheduling of meetings over the bargaining period and the general conduct of discussions.
Neither Telstra nor the unions presented a full “log” of claims at the meeting. However we did present a high level overview of the key issues we wanted discussed, as did Telstra.
Click below to read the Bargaining Bulletin #1
Telstra Redundancy Entitlements: The Facts - 08.05.2015
With bargaining about to begin for a new Telstra Enterprise Agreement (EA), CWU members continue to be subjected to a deliberate scare campaign about their EA redundancy entitlements. Your national officials have responded to this campaign with an open letter to all CWU members in Telstra.
Click below to read the letter and Inform yourself about the facts.
Telstra EA: bargaining to begin 12 May - 08.05.2015
The first meeting of this coming round of enterprise bargaining negotiations will be held on 12 May.
As explained in the last E-bulletin, the CWU is automatically your bargaining representative unless you choose otherwise. Members of the other two major unions in Telstra, the CPSU and Professionals Australia will also be represented by their organisations.
The CWU has informed Telstra that it will be represented by two senior national officials, the Divisional President, Len Cooper and the Divisional Assistant Secretary (Telecommunications) Ken Hardisty.
This core team will be supported through the Divisional Office and may be supplemented during negotiations as necessary – for the creation of working parties, for instance.
Members will be able to keep up to date with the progress of the negotiations through the E-bulletin and through the national website at
Remember too that if you have not done so already, it is not too late to put items on the bargaining agenda through the survey at, by contacting your state branch or by writing directly to the National Office at