The CWU is disputing Telstra’s decision to eliminate a number of CFW7 jobs as part of its reorganisation of its Wideband teams.
The CFWs involved perform fibre testing, a function which Telstra now wants to have carried out by staff at CFW4 level. Obviously this represents a major downgrade of the function and an attack on the current classification system.
The union met with Telstra on Thursday 16 October to outline its objections to this move and to the redundancies that will flow from it.
Telstra has agreed to provide more detailed information about the functions being performed by the members of the new “hybrid” teams. The CWU will be looking in particular at the job descriptions for the CFW4 roles in the teams.
Telstra says that such “hybrid” teams already exist in some states. Any members able to provide information on current practice in this area, especially in relation to fibre testing, should contact their state branch.