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Postal Reform - The National Office Position

Your National Officials have made it very clear – to Ahmed, to Minister Turnbull, and to anyone else who’ll listen, we think these reforms are no good. We know the world is changing, but the answer isn’t to offer half the service for twice the price… or to fatten up the parcels business for privatisation by trashing the traditional mail service.

Australia Post agree that Ahmed’s plan will reduce the volume of mail, and jobs will go. They say that they will try to avoid redundancies with retraining etc. We fully support retraining and job retention but it is not what everyone wants. We won’t cooperate with Australia Post Management’s attempts to avoid paying you a full redundancy if you deserve one.

To fix Ahmed’s reforms we demand:

  • While we welcome the big talk about no forced redundancies, it seems more like an old-fashioned slippery side-deal than a real commitment. We say that there should be no forced redundancies at all.
  • Where jobs have gone, members must be allowed to opt to take a voluntary redundancy.
  • Job swaps must be allowed with reasonable requirements
  • Movement to day shift must be voluntary, people who wish to remain on their shift would be able to.
  • A lump sum benefit to offset loss of penalties should be offered to encourage volunteers where Australia Post find it necessary to fill new day shift jobs in processing.
  • The loss of shift penalties or reduction in salary will affect your APSS Final Average Salary – and the growth of your lump sum – Australia Post froze the FAS adjustment last year - Australia Post must re-introduce adjustment of FAS by AWOTE
  • Job cuts must not occur where Australia Post is using contractors, labour hire, casual or fixed term staff.
  • Redeployment must be voluntary whenever a job role is changed – Sweeping floors is not an option!
  • A statement from Australia Post that clearly outlines their plans so that members have as long as possible to consider their future and make appropriate plans.


Illustration: John Spooner.

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