Members last week engaged in strike action for the first time in over a decade. Our initial planned symbolic action was carefully planned to occur in unpaid time and minimise the impacts on customers, whilst still allowing members to send a clear message to Telstra.
Telstra’s reaction to threaten to dock members a full day’s pay for engaging, effectively locking you out for each and every day you engaged in this action, was NOT required by law, despite Telstra’s claims, but rather a display of clear contempt for the workforce and for your customers who were subsequently inconvenienced – causing further public damage to Telstra’s brand.
We thank members for engaging in this provoked action. This and other actions you are engaging in are having a significant impact.
Your CEPU/CWU bargaining team is ready and willing to meet with Telstra at short notice to resolve outstanding matters of contention – to deliver an EBA you and your families deserve, with a fair pay rise, not a pay cut. However, despite our efforts to schedule a meeting with Telstra, we are still waiting for them to come to the table.
Note: If you have entered in to an agreement for stores to be delivered unattended to your home, you will be required to notify your manager that this authority is withdrawn until further notice.
Important facts related to protected action is produced on the reverse of this notice and members are urged to familiarise themselves with this information.