Telstra has begun rolling out My Future, a new on-line performance management system which it says is designed to encourage employees to seek out training and development opportunities in the company.
Telstra says the system will also:
The CWU was briefed on the system on 9 July. Our first concern was the degree to which My Future information would be accessible to anyone other than the individual employee.
Telstra has told the CWU that the only people who will have access to individual records are the person concerned, his/her manager and the talent team.
My Future will also not link directly with Telstra’s performance rating system so it will not be possible to access confidential rating information by this means.
The CWU will monitor the introduction of My Future. Members experiencing any problems with the system should report them to the union.
Members might also consider the advantages of building up an electronic profile, including records of training, project experience etc, on the system. Such a record could be useful for employees facing redundancy or considering redeployment. Telstra has advised that such records will be accessible and available for download by the individual concerned.