Negotiations for your new EBA have now concluded and we are urging members to vote yes to secure their conditions.
Throughout negotiations, we were guided by the issues you said were most important to you and your family. We’d like to thank members for participating in workplaces meetings and surveys which allowed us to formulate a claim that truly reflected your views.
Despite the Liberal Government’s workplace bargaining policy which limits pay outcomes to a maximum average of 2% per annum and aims severely water-down existing conditions, we have secured all your current conditions, including categories of employment, meal and tea breaks, penalty rates, overtime and redundancy payments, along with improvements to existing leave entitlements and consultation arrangements. Furthermore, all Decipha employees will be eligible for the annual Australia Post One Team bonus, which is equivalent to 1% of your financial year actual gross earnings.
Why you should vote yes:
This week, all employees will have access to the proposed new agreement and from September 12, joint information briefings led by your Union officials and management will take place at workplaces across the country – giving you a further opportunity to seek clarification on any matter you may need further information about.
Following these briefings, there should be no delay in progressing to a vote. The current Agreement expires on 22 October and we are hopeful of completing the ballot process and lodgement with the Fair Work Commission for approval without delay — allowing pay increases and bonus payments to flow to you immediately.
In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact your State Branch Official.
Yours faithfully,