Action plan for Health and Safety Representatives
Use the checklist below to get started if you have just been elected or if you have been in the job for a while, use it as a resource to check your progress.
Have you:
- Enrolled in the 5 day HSR training if you have just been elected or the 1 day HSR update if you have completed the 5 days training? HSRs may choose to do their training with the union. Union delivered HSR training is important.
- Established contact with your local CWU Delegate and CWU Organiser?
- Publicised your role? AP is required to display a current list of HSRs at the workplace. The list should be readily accessible to workers in the Work Group.
- Organised your facilities? HSRs have a right to resources and facilities that are reasonably necessary to carry out their role e.g. phone computer photocopying.
- Established contact with other HSRs in your workplace and made arrangements for regular get together?
- Set up a local health and safety committee in your Work Group? At least half the membership of the committee must be worker representatives. The committee must meet at least every 3 months as well as at any reasonable time when requested by members of the committee.
- Set up consultative arrangements with your manager to keep you regularly informed of health and safety issues in your Work group?
- Carried out a workplace inspection? Set in place process for regular inspections?
- Set priorities for action based on identified hazards and safety problems?
If you would like some help with any of the above or how to deal with a health and safety issue contact your union.