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Post's Safety Kaizen really a time and motion exercise with safety banged on the end of it

The CWU National Office has notified a dispute in the Fair Work Commission following Australia Post’s refusal to consult on the introduction in its Business Hubs of a process improvement program, referred to as ‘Safety Kaizen’.

‘Kaizen’ is a productivity efficiency tool. Its aim is productivity improvement through work intensifcation. It is liked by logistics companies. Basically, Post’s ‘Safety Kaizen’ is really a time and motion exercise with safety banged on the end of it.

Just how Post intend to use it with its van and truck drivers is inclear. Hence the dispute.

Some drivers have been asked for their views and suggestions on process improvements to improve workplace safety. Other drivers have participated in training to observe other workers and record their safety slip-ups. Post says this training is not ‘Safety Kaizen’ but another safety program! Maybe drivers will get a few tips on safety out of these programs. But that’s about it. More likey drivers will be coded for not following directions exactly once the process improvements are determined.

Meanwhile, Comcare has issued a damning report identifying actual risks associated with loading and unloading vans in Post Business Hubs. In brief, Comcare has found that Post’s van risk assessment is poor, the Code of Practice for manual handling is not properly considered and delivery runs are poorly designed. Basically Post has got a set of instructions and a trolley! Oh and some rubber matting maybe inside the van.

Across the country there are alot of injuries in Post from manual handling in vans and trucks. So why is Post not addressing the manual handling hazards identifed in the Comcare report? Are they really interested in safety?

Forget ‘Safety Kaizen’. If you have a safety issue raise it with your HSR and/or CWU delegate or CWU organiser

Click here to read the Fair Work Commission recommendation.

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