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health and safety reps

CWU refresher training for HSRs

This week the CWU ran a one day refresher course for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) who have completed the initial 5 days training program. The HSRs who attended the one day training were from delivery, retail, call centre and transport workplaces. HSRs said they found the training easy to understand, relevant to their workplace and felt empowered with more information and skills to do their job better.


The one day course provided HSRs with an overview of some of the things learned on the 5 day course, developments in WHS legislation and skills development related to the role, powers, functions and behaviours as a HSR in a workplace.


Under the Work Health and Safety Act, HSRs and deputy HSRs have the right to attend one day’s refresher training each year. The entitlement to the first refresher training commences one year after the initial 5 days training.


Remember it is your right to nominate your HSRs – don’t leave the choice to management. Once elected HSRs and deputy HSRs have the right to attend recognised training conducted by your union. AP must provide facilities and assistance to elected HSRs.

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