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EBA10 campaign survey packs are in the mail

Over the next week or so, members will receive a campaign survey pack in the mail containing an EBA10 Union member survey with a reply paid envelope to return it to your state Branch.

As your Union commences its campaign to deliver a new EBA10, it’s critical to understand the issues that are most important to you.

Please complete the survey and return it by Friday, 21 February.

If you prefer, you can complete the member survey online at your EBA10 campaign website.

EBA10 Campaign website –

At our special campaign website, members can complete the EBA10 survey online, access the most up-to date news and information as bargaining proceeds and download important workplace campaign tools and resources.

Members can also use the site to easily submit management propaganda through for your Union’s attention as the campaign progresses.

Building strength in your workplace to deliver a better tomorrow – recruitment promotion

A strong Union will ensure the best possible EBA10 outcome — and our strength is in numbers.

That’s why we’re asking you to ask your workmates, who may not yet be Union members, to sign-up today — and we’ve launched a special promotion to assist you.

For each new member that you successfully sign-up, you will receive a $20 fuel & grocery voucher and an entry in to the draw to win a $500 fuel & grocery voucher.

New members you sign-up will also receive a $20 fuel & grocery voucher and go in to the draw to win another $500 fuel & grocery voucher.

The more members you sign-up, the more $20 vouchers and entries into $500 voucher draw you will receive. Full terms, conditions and instructions can be found on the promotional flyers sent to you with your survey, or online at

An EBA10 that delivers for postal workers and their families

As Australia Post embarks on their most ambitious transformation to sustainability yet, it’s more important than ever to ensure that our members are not forgotten and left behind in the process.

That’s why your Union will fight for an EBA10 that delivers the job security, the safety and the pay that postal workers and their families expect, deserve and rely upon.

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