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Latest news on CWU & Australia Post - Award Modernisation

We still have some issues we are negotiating with Australia Post over the content of the Post modern enterprise award. Some rewording and deletions by Australia Post are still causing concern and some issues are yet to be resolved.

The Postal Modern Enterprise Award is used for the “Better Off Overall Test” (BOOT Test) when we negotiate a new EBA with Post. The Awards were stripped about 15 years ago and are not comprehensive, but with the National Employment Standards (NES) form the base of all your conditions.

There are no redundancy payout entitlements in the existing Australia Post awards. The current redundancy entitlements, including the maximum 84 week payout, are part of the Australia Post enterprise agreement, and this will not change.

However redundancy provisions have to be included in a modern enterprise award. Post wants the National Employment Standards (NES) redundancy conditions in the Australia Post modern award. We are seeking to have redundancy benefits above the NES in the Post modern award.

If you have any questions or comments on the Post modern enterprise award you should contact us at the CWU National Office on P 03 9349 2100, F 03 9642 0333, E

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