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Brisbane Postie is doing his bit to grow mail volumes

A Brisbane postie reckons he has an idea on how to increase mail volumes and he’s doing it.

The Brisbane postie told the CWU National Office that he has subscribed to a number free magazines and free catalogues. As a result he now receives real mail (not junk or unaddressed mail) from 10 businesses ranging from once a week to once a month.

Obviously, the postie action is motivated by the desire to save his job and the jobs of other postal workers. But he also has a genuine interest in what each of the businesses has to offer. He has signed up interested family members and friends too. And whenever he purchases something from these businesses he uses the traditional mail to do the transaction.

As the Brisbane postie told us his story what became most apparent was the difference in his positive approach from that of the Post boss of talking down letters.

We think the Brisbane postie’s idea has merit. Don’t rely on Post to save your job. Take some action yourself. Subscribe to things you’re interested in and encourage family and friends to do the same.

Below is a list of the businesses our Brisbane postie subscribes to for your interest:

  • Readers Digest
  • Magnamail
  • Chrisco catalogue
  • Castle catalogue
  • Ezibuy fashion catalogue
  • Innovations magazine
  • Surf Life Savers lotteries
  • Boys Town lotteries.

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