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Peak period

Peak period approach

The busiest period of the year for postal workers is fast approaching and here are some general tips for making sure you stay safe and are receiving what you’re entitled through the silly season:

  1. Members should not engage in unreasonable amounts of overtime

Overtime is generally available across most occupational areas over the peak period. Members are reminded that they have the right to refuse unreasonable and excessive levels of overtime at their workplace. When doing so, you should advise your manager as early as possible of your availability for overtime on a given day. 

  1. Ensure you receive an adequate rest between shifts

Australia Post members engaging in overtime and ordinary duty in one day/shift must be given at least a 10 hour break before commencing their next shift. If, due to this break, you are absent for any portion of your next ordinary shift you will be paid for that absence.

If for any reason you are required to continue or resume duty without a 10 hour consecutive break, you will be paid at the rate of double time until you’re released from duty for that period and then are entitled to a 10 hour consecutive break before your next shift commencement. As above, if you are absent for any portion of your next ordinary shift due to the 10 hour break, you must be paid for that absence.

  1. Keep safe at work

Members across all occupational groups should now be familiarising themselves with the safe operating procedures that apply to their role and their workplace, particularly around heavy lifting with the expected influx of parcels making their way through the system. Be mindful of protecting your health and safety at work.

  1. Christmas arrangements

Talks are now occurring with your State Branch Officials and AURs in Australia Post workplace around leave, overtime arrangements, and the use of casual employment. Make sure you’re aware of the local arrangements that apply to your specific workplace or occupational group.

  1. Public holidays

Declared public holidays over the period include:

Christmas Day – 25 December 2017

Boxing Day – 26 December 2017

New Year’s Day – 1 January 2018

If you are required to work on any of these dates, you are entitled to the following rates of pay:

  • Australia Post employees – 250%
  • Startrack Express Pty Ltd employees – 250%
  • Permanent LPO employees covered by the General Retail Award – 225%
  • Casual LPOemployees covered by the General Retail Award – 250%

Australia Post employees covered by EBA9 required to work on 29 December 2017, declared as the Australia Post Authorised Holiday (Union Picnic Day), who choose not to apply for a substitute holiday shall be paid at the rate of 250%.

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