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Visionstream telecommunications

Visionstream Telecommunications Enterprise Agreement 2016

CWU members and other employees will now have received copies of the proposed Visionstream Telecommunications Enterprise Agreement 2016.

Voting on the Agreement is scheduled to take place next Monday 16 May. So now is the time to weigh the pluses and minuses of what has been achieved by the CWU and other employee representatives during bargaining.

What has been achieved. 

Agreement has been reached on a number of items that employees identified as issues at the beginning of negotiations:  

  • Improvements to discipline procedures.
  • Protections against being forced onto shift work.
  • Removal of proposals that could have allowed staff to be demoted during the translation to the new classification structure proposed.
Proposals for a stand-by roster remain controversial, but negotiators have limited the scope for introduction of such rosters (metro only) and those on stand-by will be eligible for significant allowances ($510 a week).

In addition the Agreement:
  •  Protects all current gradings and wage levels in the move to the new classification structure.
  • Acknowledges that the 45 minute travel time “give” does not apply to those who start work at home.
  • Provides for TOIL at applicable overtime rates.
  • Introduces new allowances (higher duties, electrician’s licence, air-conditioning licence). 

Wage rise. 

When last consulted by the CWU in March, Visionstream employees said that a key problem with the offer was the size of the wage rise proposed at that time. 

Since then, Visionstream has agreed to a small increase in the first pay rise. The offer now stands at 2.5%, 2.5% and, in the third year, 2.5% or CPI, whichever is higher. 

The Year 3 formula is designed to give some protection against inflation. At present, of course, inflation is running at historic lows, so the current pay offer does mean a real (ie after inflation) pay rise, although a very modest one. 

The CWU has told Visionstream it still considers that the wage proposal doesn’t reflect the value of the work its employees perform. For this reason, the union cannot fully endorse the Agreement. 

But it is now up to Visionstream employees to decide whether, on balance, the package of conditions and pay rates in the Agreement represents an acceptable offer. 

The Union has worked hand in glove with your elected bargaining reps whilst also keeping workers updated during bargaining.  But strong union membership will be vital to hold management to account when the EA is implemented. 

It is vitally important workers whom are not current members consider joining the CWU.  A membership application can be found at the union’s website at




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