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vehicle safety

Vehicle Safety Concerns: Let Us Know

In recent months, several WA Telstra staff have been involved in vehicle incidents. Thankfully, none resulted in any long term injuries. 

But several of them could have been fatal. 

CWU members are reporting that some of the vehicles that Telstra has in the fleet are not fit for purpose at best, and dangerous at worst. The vehicles in question are the Ford Rangers that have issues with the suspension, especially the rear, due to the weight of the toolbox and equipment that is required for the day to day role. 

The unbalanced loading over one particular axle can cause multiple handling issues for the driver, especially if evasive action is required. 

As you can imagine if you have too much weight in the rear of the vehicle and you misjudge a corner, you won’t have the same amount of traction on the front that you would if the vehicle was balanced. 

This could lead to serious consequences for all road users in the vicinity. 

The CWU wants to hear from any members who have safety concerns around their vehicle, especially if you have raised them with management but nothing was done. Contact your state branch.

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