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unfair dismissal

Post's disgraceful disrespect for the Board of Reference

A dismissed member based in South Australia was recently subject to an appeal hearing by the Board of Reference.

The Board of Reference is an independent internal review body constituted by a Chairperson that is jointly agreed by management and the Union. The process is designed to reduce the time, resources and costs associated with resolving disputes related to employment matters governed by the EBA. It is normal practice that recommendations made by the Board of Reference are accepted by management.

SA/NT Branch Secretary Nick Townsend who advocated for the member during the hearing claimed the member’s dismissal was harsh, unjust and unreasonable.

The Board of Reference Chairman agreed and recommended the member be reinstated.

Australia Post have chosen to ignore the recommendation, disrespecting the capability of the Chairman and undermining the integrity of the process.

The matter has been represented all the way up to Acting CEO Christine Corbett. Disgracefully, Post have defiantly refused to accept the Chairman’s recommendation and has determined to uphold the member’s termination.

The Union will now proceed to represent the member in an unfair dismissal application before the Fair Work Commission.

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