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Telstra has drawn a line in the sand and killed off any potential further talks with Unions to reach agreement for a new EBA.

They have advised they will be pushing ahead with an employee vote on their disgraceful pay offer over the first two weeks of August.


We have managed to massage Telstra’s controversial proposal on transfer of business to put you in a better position with regard to your redundancy benefits. Under the proposal we reported on last week, you would not be entitled to redundancy benefits if a transfer of business occurred and you rejected an offer of employment with this new company. This is no longer entirely the case.

Under the proposal Telstra is pushing forward with, if your position becomes surplus you will receive a redundancy unless you are offered and reject a suitable position with a company that Telstra directly controls. If Telstra does not control this new company, or the job you are being offered is not the same or very similar to the role you currently perform and the terms and conditions of employment are no less favourable to you, you do not have to go and you will still receive a redundancy package.

For members in a defined benefit superannuation scheme, no offer of employment with another company, Telstra controlled or otherwise, will be deemed suitable due to the eligibility requirements of the super scheme. Therefore, in the circumstance that work from your area is transferred to another company, any job offer where your defined benefit super scheme membership cannot continue will not be deemed suitable and should you choose to reject this unsuitable offer, you will be entitled to a redundancy package.

Aside from Telstra’s proposals to move incentive/bonus schemes from the EBA to policy, all other existing terms and conditions have been protected.


Telstra’s disgraceful and insulting pay offer remains. That is — 1.5% each year for Workstream employees, along with a 1.5% pay pool offer for Job Family employees — meaning some Job Family employees may not even receive 1.5%. This, along with the removal of Job Family bonuses from the EA, gives Job Family employees no guaranteed individual pay outcome whatsoever — management are in full control.

The Unions have attempted to illustrate the inequity and proposed alternative options to improve the pay offer — all of which have been rejected by Telstra.

You and your family deserve a real pay rise to help you meet the demands of the cost of living. The current offer does not meet CPI. Telstra Executives need to wake up.

Corporate Greed is alive and well whilst Andy Penn(ypincher) wants you to fix his mistakes and those of  his executive team.  Whilst we have locked in your conditions your Union cannot support Andy’s disgraceful pay offer and Telstra is refusing to hold any further discussions on the matter.


  1. Attend CEPU teleconference briefings commencing shortly.
  2. Make sure your colleagues also attend the CEPU teleconferences.
  3. Make sure your colleagues are Union members – ask them to join the CEPU/CWU today.
  4. Vote NO to Andy’s penny pinching pay offer.

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