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NBN EA negotiations update

As reported in E-Bulletin #21, the CWU and other relevant unions have become concerned over a slowdown in Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations with NBN Co.

Since mid-year the CWU has been involved in discussions for a new agreement covering NBN Co technical staff.  Despite disagreements, including some over the scope of the EA, negotiations were progressing normally.  For the last 6-8 weeks, however, NBN Co has been missing in action.

The CWU has recently made further representations to NBN Co in regards to continuing EA negotiations.  NBN Co have now advised the CWU that they will be providing us with a formal written response in the very near future.   Hopefully this response will see a return to good faith bargaining.

The CWU and other involved unions will be meeting next week to consider any response and how to best progress NBN Co negotiations.

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