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mandatory overtime

Telstra overtime: don't be misled

The CWU continues to receive queries from members about Telstra’s move to require employees to work rostered overtime in Customer Service Delivery (CSD).

Members in some areas have evidently been told that the CWU has agreed to employees’ being required to work one day’s overtime a week or a fortnight. This is not correct.

The CWU recognises that under the Telstra Enterprise Agreement –and under the Fair Work Act – Telstra can require employees to work “additional” hours, i.e. overtime. But employees can refuse to work those additional hours –or any additional hours at all – if they have reasonable grounds for doing so.

This is not a one way street. What may be considered “reasonable” overtime from Telstra’s point of view may not be reasonable from an employee’s point of view.  And what is reasonable for one employee may not be for another, depending on their circumstances. 

Apart from any other reasons, that is why the union cannot and will not agree to any set amount of overtime as being “reasonable”.

Members should continue to report any difficulties they are experiencing over this issue to their state branch.


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