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Australia Post job cuts, latest update

The big picture

Post has explained that we are dealing with the first tranche of job cuts at this stage. These are non operational jobs. These are the 900 jobs that Post calls the “headcount reduction”. The reduction is 20% of the non operational staff of some 4,500 people.

We do not know when the second tranche cuts will be announced. These will be in the operational areas.

The first tranche –round 1

To date 260 jobs have been identified to be cut by September 2014 - 156 Award and 104 contract management jobs. Previously Post had said 378 jobs were going by September this year (156 Award and 222 contract management jobs.

No forced or involuntary redundancies identified at this stage. Still no assurance from Post that no jobs will be outsourced. No information on the number of contractor jobs cut. And, no information on job cuts in StarTrack. National Secretary, Dan Dwyer, has put Post on notice to provide to the union information on whether any of the jobs going in Post will be done by StarTrack.

Form As (RRR process) have been issued for 126 of the 156 Award jobs identified to be cut in September  – 9 jobs have been removed as out of scope and 21 roles moved to later phases.

Members affected can request to have their details provided to the union to discuss personal circumstances on an individual basis, such as, the proposed redundancy, redeployment, relocation and retraining.

Volunteers and job swaps register are available. Ironically Post is still advertising jobs in the JIC. But all jobs pass by Transition and a matching exercise against the job swaps register is undertaken so that people on the Transition List supposedly have a look at any jobs first.

Employees who elect to be redeployed are entitled, with some qualifications, to salary maintenance until another job is found at their level. Employees who accept a voluntary redundancy have a one week cooling off period to change their mind.

The first tranche –round 2

A further 112 Award jobs across the various Business Units and States have been identified to be cut by March 2015. Further consultation on job cuts identified in round 2 will occur in October 2014.

The first tranche –round 3

Consultation on round 3 job cuts will not commence before January 2015.

Contact your CWU branch or National office for help if your job or work area is affected. Watch the CWU National website for further updates.

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