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Telstra Wideband restructure: discussions continue

The CWU will meet again with Telstra on Monday 8 May over banding issues arising out of the  restructuring of its Wideband business.

In March, Telstra announced a move which involved centralisation of Wideband design functions into three east coast centres, together with outsourcing of what the company describes as lower level design functions.

The restructure also involved a reorganisation of work functions and a change to the levels at which certain roles are classified, particularly those of designer and appraiser.

In both cases, the range of tasks performed in these roles has been expanded while at the same time the role has been reclassified at a lower level than is indicated by the current Job Descriptions.

As the Job Descriptions form part of the current Enterprise Agreement, the CWU is disputing Telstra’s move and will, if necessary, pursue the question in the Fair Work Commission. Obviously, however, it would be preferable if an agreement can be reached on these issues.

The union is continuing to meet with affected members to build up a detailed case about the nature of the work they are performing now and that they will be required to perform under the new structure.

Members should also be aware that although Telstra has announced it will proceed with the restructure, this does not prevent the union pursuing the matter legally and, if successful, getting the positions which are in dispute reclassified at what we regard as their proper level.

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