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No Trade Offs

Still no agreement on ACMA EA

Union negotiators for a new Enterprise Agreement in the Australian Communications and Media Authority have still not been able to reach an agreement that can be recommended to members and other ACMA employees.

Negotiations have now been going on for nearly two years. The stumbling block remains Coalition government policy which has involved Commonwealth employees being forced to trade off long-held conditions in return for meagre pay rises. 

Even though the government relaxed its policy slightly last year to allow a 6% pay rise, as opposed to 4.5%, over three years, CWU members still oppose trading off conditions to get the rise. 

The latest indications are that ACMA will put the EA out to employees for a vote by the end of February – with or without agreement with the CWU and other involved unions. The CWU will make a recommendation to members as to how to vote if and when bargaining is concluded.

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