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Union intervention sees withdrawal of unreasonable and unsafe scanner signature directions

Today, some members across various regions received directions, during toolbox talks, to wind-back contactless deliveries of signature-required articles. A wider distribution of this direction was scheduled to occur on Monday.

This unsafe directive to members involved questioning a customer on their COVID-19 infection and symptomatic status prior to handing over a scanner to receive a signature on delivery.

This unreasonable directive put members at an imminent, unnecessary and avoidable risk of contracting COVID-19 and/or potentially abusive confrontations with customers.

This direction occurred without any consultation with employees or the Union. It was unreasonable, inappropriate and presented a real and imminent risk to members’ health and safety.

Following urgent talks between your Union and Australia Post, this directive has now been withdrawn – effective immediately.

Should this directive continue to be communicated in your workplace, contact your State Branch Official for assistance, immediately.

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