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Telstra is putting 8000 workers on the dole queue whilst looking to India to fill their shoes

Andy Penn-ypincher and his mob of wage thieving executives should look to the 8000 people he is forcing out of a job if he’s struggling to find people to work at Telstra.

At a speech at the Committee for Economic Development of Australia’s launch on Wednesday, the Telstra CEO claimed that he is being forced to look overseas for talent.

He called on government to ease migration restrictions while revealing plans to build an “innovation and capability hub” in India which will skill workers, grooming them to be funneled in to Australia.

Divisional National President, Shane Murphy, said the comments are yet another example of the out-of-touch CEO’s complete disrespect for Telstra’s workforce.

“Within the ranks of the 8000 skilled and experienced workers he is putting on the street, there would be plenty of candidates that could be re-trained or up-skilled to fill the so-called ‘skills gaps’ that Mr Penn is claiming Australia has,” Mr Murphy said.

“Of course, industries change over time, but a smart CEO looks to the future and up-skills the workforce in order to meet those changes.

“It seems Andy Penn doesn’t have the foresight required to run our once iconic telco.

“This is another example of the CEO’s disrespect for the workforce. He’s putting 8000 people out of a job, and at the same time complaining that he can’t find any workers.

“He is the definition of a man out of touch with reality.

“Andy Penn is axing the jobs of thousands of skilled workers, yet here is complaining that there aren’t enough skilled Australian workers.

“Telstra is being driven into the ground by Andy Penn and his mob of wage thieving executives, and customers and the workforce are being forced to bear the brunt of it.”

Click this link to listen to Shane’s full interview on this disgraceful thought bubble with News Radio 6PR’s Gareth Parker:

VOTE YES in the protected action ballot to send Telstra a clear message: AUSSIE Telstra workers and their families deserve better!


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