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One Network Trial 2


Over the past six months, members at 13 workplaces across the country have been participating in the One Network Trial

From Australia Post’s perspective, the trial seeks to deliver improved efficiencies through various rostering, scheduling, delivery transport and process changes.

Rather than a blanket implementation of Australia Post’s changes, in-depth discussions has secured a unique opportunity for members to participate in a genuine assessment of workplace change through the trial. Additionally, through local working group committees, made up of local Union representatives and management, members have been able to shape the evolving progression of the trial in their workplace and have had real control over the modelling of their local work offering.

At senior levels, your Union has also secured the return of a significant amount of contract work to corporate posties, an increase to overall full-time jobs numbers and a virtual extinction of part-time dedicated delivery rounds.

But most importantly for many, the trial has enabled us to secure pay equality to all delivery members at the trial sites through a 15% incentive payment paid in addition to ordinary wages, regardless of shift commencement time. (Note: members at trial sites who originally attracted a penalty rate and have changed to later shift commencement times have had their penalty rates guaranteed, should the trial cease).

As Stage One of the trial has come to a close, we have held many discussions at the senior level to advocate for the continuation of the trial – and its expansion.

These talks have been finalised and agreement has been reached on a significant expansion of the trial.

From May, the trial will expand to include other facilities located in the broader catchment area around the existing Stage One trial sites. This includes the inclusion of a Newcastle catchment area, bringing the total catchments being trialled in Stage Two to 14.

And from July, a further 11 stand-alone workplaces will commence their participation in the trial, being:   


We would all like to thank each and every one of our reps and members who have participated in the trial so far.

We are well aware that there have been some aspects of the trial you may not have enjoyed. However, we encourage members to continue to embrace change that is safe and reasonable and to continue to engage with your local AURs who represent you on the local working group committees. By doing so, we are confident we can secure a reasonable final model that still delivers the efficiencies that will ensure the trial’s success.

These efficiency improvements are what will prove necessary to ensuring we can deliver ongoing pay equality for all members across the delivery network, nationwide. That is what we are all working towards.

Should you have any questions or require any further information, please contact your State Branch Office for assistance.


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