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Post profit belies lack of long term planning

With profits up, but addressed letter delivery services down, the union representing postal workers has called on Australia Post to outline a comprehensive plan for the future of the business.

National Secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), Greg Rayner said Australia Post’s half yearly profit report showed potential, while highlighting the uncertain ground that the national postal service finds itself on.

“The CWU welcomes the stronger position that Australia Post is in this year, but Post needs to develop a plan that puts the business on a sustainable footing as it adapts to the changes of a digital world,” Mr Rayner said.

“These can’t just be thought bubbles from the executive committee, like having Post workers check in on pets or the elderly, or just relying on increasing stamp prices and slowing down delivery to make up for a declining letter volume.

“Post plays an important and trusted role in our community as the national postal service, and there are clear opportunities to develop and extend digital mail services, while diversifying into complimentary business and community services.”

The union welcomed Australia Posts decision that five-day delivery would be maintained, while expanding the parcel delivery service and trialling new delivery methods with consultation from workers.

Mr Rayner said that Post is strong because of its workers, and should leverage on their position in the community.

“Post is a people-driven organisation and any moves to further cut employees will hurt delivery times and service,” Mr Rayner said.

“Australia Post employees deliver a world class service, and are adapting with Post to new challenges at work.

“I am proud that all customer and community service indicators were on target, and all community service obligations were met or exceeded.  This is only possible with a strong and dedicated workforce and I commend all employees for their work.”

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