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shoe allowance

NEW $250 SHOE ALLOWANCE - payable to walking PDOs from this month

Representations made by your Union at the highest national level have led to Australia Post finally recognising the specific footwear needs of posties undertaking their mail delivery duties primarily on foot.

National Secretary Greg Rayner welcomed the decision and said it was long overdue.

“For some time now, we’ve been chipping away at long-held views within management ranks on the appropriateness of footwear for our walking posties,” said Greg.

“Walking up to 10km per day requires specific supportive footwear to ensure our members can undertake their duties safely, and in appropriate comfort.

“We’re pleased management finally share our views on this matter.”

The changes mean eligible walking PDOs will now be entitled to a shoe allowance for the purchase of suitable footwear up to the value of $250 each year.

Specifically, the allowance will be available to PDOs undertaking a walking round for equal to, or more than, three days per week over a consecutive six-month period.

Greg said the allowance will be placed on the agenda to be unequivocally locked-in as part of the next round of EBA talks.

“Although a most positive step which is genuinely welcomed, this is in essence a change in policy – meaning it can be removed in the future with the stroke of a pen,” Greg warned.

“We’ve been pushing for this change for quite some time, with many different management representatives who have all had widely differing views on the appropriateness of such provisions.

“Now that we’ve achieved this, we need to ensure it is protected and remains financially relevant in the future.

“That’s why we’ll be seeking for the allowance to be locked-in and subjected to the same annual increases in line with our other allowances as part of the next round of EBA talks with Post in 2020.”

The new allowance became effective from 1 January this year and eligible members can present a dated receipt for the purchase of their choice of suitable footwear to claim the allowance in one lump sum, or over multiple purchases over the year.

Australia Post have advised that they are currently in talks with major retailers in an attempt to leverage buying power and discounts that may enable you to make the allowance stretch further.

Members requiring clarification on the allowance and eligibility should contact their State Branch Office for further information.


Yours faithfully,
Greg Rayner

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