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Major uniform changes: members win

Following concerns raised by the Union on behalf of members, a number of great outcomes have been achieved for members in relation to the new uniform issue.

PDO polo shirts

PDOs have been provided with the option to amend their existing order to have either blue or yellow sleeved versions of the new polo shirt. Post advises that due to production lead times, any outdoor PDO who chooses to modify their order for the yellow sleeved version will receive their order at least a month later than originally planned.

PTO night-time reflective tape

Based on concerns raised by the Union about windscreen reflections, all current orders for PTO polo shirts will be converted to a non-reflective taped version, along with polar vests and jumpers.

Due to production lead times, PTOs will receive these at least a month later than originally planned.

In order to ensure safety in low light conditions, PTOs will be required to wear a reflective taped vest over their tops.

Wet weather gear

Post has been investigating the use of Gore-Tex material in the manufacture of their current wet weather designs with the current supplier. Based on discussions with Gore-Tex and the current supplier, this is likely to take at least three months to be available for testing.

Post had already been working with their current supplier on an upgraded material, however this will be put on hold while the request to use Gore-Tex is pursued first.

Rossi motorcycle boots

Post have secured an ongoing supply of the current Rossi short motorcycle boots and will make them available to order. These boots are exactly the same as the old design however and don’t incorporate any of the additional foot protection of the new DriRider short motorcycle boot.

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