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Telstra wideband

CWU wants answers on Telstra Wideband review

The CWU has sent a “please explain” to Telstra about a review of Wideband Design banding that is being conducted without union involvement.

The review began in October last year and according to Telstra one of its main aims is to address problems left over from Project Rubiks, including inconsistencies in the current banding structures and the question of how Workstream classifications align with Telstra’s preferred Job Family work model. 

The CWU is well aware of ongoing problems in the Wideband area, particularly of instances where members believe that actual skill levels and work being performed are not being appropriately recognised and rewarded. 

But a wholesale review of the current classification structure, without union involvement, is another question. 

Telstra says it is working to “scope, design and build Success Profile(s)” for each Design role being reviewed and then “map the work each individual Designer to the most appropriate Success Profile to determine band & pay scale.” 

The dangers of this process are obvious. 

Late in 2014, Telstra won a major contract for design of the FTTN component of the NBN. It is currently negotiating a similar contract for the NBN’s HFC platform. The CWU welcomes these developments which will provide opportunities for growth in the Design workforce. 

But to fulfil these contracts, Telstra will need to harness fully not only the skills but the goodwill of its employees. This, rather than any downgrading of current roles – always a danger in such reviews - should be the prime objective of this current exercise.

 As we go to print Telstra have agreed to meet and has tentatively proposed a meeting in the next two working weeks. Of course member feedback is essential ahead of any meetings so please pass on any information or issues you may have so that we can address them for you.

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