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Ventia moves to put EBA offer to employee vote

Following many months of bargaining, Ventia are currently preparing to ask employees to vote on a proposed Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA).

Some of the key outcomes of negotiations include:

  • Three-year deal. The former Agreement ran for four years. We believe that a shorter Agreement provides greater benefit for employees, allowing us to bargain to improve wages and conditions relevant to the economic climate, sooner.
  • Wage increases of 3.5% per year. The former Agreement delivered wage increases of just 1.5% per year for former Silcar employees, and 2.5% for all others. This offer of 3.5% is a marked improvement on both prior outcomes and will be applied universally.
  • Wage improvements to be backdated. Employees will receive back-pay, with the wage increases being backdated to the first full pay period of 2024.
  • On-call allowance of $200 per week. This is a marked improvement on the previous provision of just $147 per week, under the former Agreement.
  • Height allowance to be increased by 3%. The former Agreement increased the allowance by 5%. However, it excluded work at height with the aid of an elevated platform.
  • Private Motor vehicle use increased to 85c per kilometre – an improvement on the pervious provision of 78c per kilometre.
  • Company required daily travel allowance increased to $280 for regional areas, $340 in capital cities or $120 where accommodation is provided by Ventia. An improvement on the previous provision of $230 regional, $290 capital cities and $90 where accommodation is provided by Ventia.
  • Meal allowance increased to $35. This has increased from $30.
  • Combined leading hand/ team leader allowance increased to $70.04 – an improvement from the current provision of $68.
  • Proposes a roster system that allows a 21/7 or 10/4 roster but only after consultation and agreement.
  • Proposes to allow more employees to become eligible to accumulate 5 weeks annual leave through proposed changes to the continuous shift worker definition.
  • Proposes a new storeperson classification of ST3 which will be aligned to pay level 11.

Whilst your CWU bargaining representatives are proud to have secured the above marked improvements through this round of bargaining, we believe our members deserve even better. Ventia’s profits have grown considerably off the back of your hard work, whilst your wages have previously not kept up with the cost of living.

But with Ventia’s claims that this is their best and final offer, members will now decide for themselves as to whether the offer should be accepted. Should you reject the offer, the Union will be ready to recommence bargaining and fighting for the outcomes you and your families deserve.

We will keep members up to date as the anticipated ballot process becomes clearer. In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact your Branch Official.

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