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Telstra Bargaining Update

Your Union bargaining representatives met with Telstra again this week, during which Telstra shared further proposed changes, including:

  • Seeking to remove the arrangement where full-time retail employees who could have been scheduled but were not scheduled to work on the public holiday because they work a particular schedule (eg. A 9-day fortnight), currently receives an additional day’s pay or day in lieu.

Telstra claim the reason for this is because it has very limited applicability to how Telstra stores operate, is complicated to interpret and results in significant administrative burden.

We say, this is an important existing entitlement that some retail employees enjoy. And while Telstra claims this has limited application and is an administrative burden, our members have previously fought had to win and maintain industry leading conditions for Telstra workers and we do not share the view that the degree of applicability, nor the perception of ‘administrative burden’ are legitimate reasons to send some of our members backwards.

  • Simplify the relocation allowance under the Telstra Retail Stores EA to enable payments to be automated.

Telstra says this will mean that employees will be eligible to receive an allowance if Telstra relocate them to a store outside a 10km radius from their current store, for up to 3 months. This will also exclude casuals (as is the case today.)

We welcome and would support any opportunity to simplify and allow greater access to entitlements contained in the Agreement. However, we believe that the current $21.92 per day relocation allowance for Retail employees is not adequate compensation for the travel cost and inconvenience and will be making a claim to increase this.      

  • Telstra also shared its intention to apply the following Telstra Limited EA terms to both Telstra & TPPL employees:

      • Flexible work arrangements
      • Consultation
      • Dispute resolution
      • Union matters
      • Redundancy, placement period and retrenchment benefits
      • Moving between roles
      • Recognition of prior learning

The Union is still waiting for Telstra to present the full implications of this proposal. To date, only the positive aspects of the proposal have been shared with us. Accordingly, we have reserved our views on this particular matter until Telstra provides the full picture, including any negative implications, of the proposal.          

As has occurred during previous rounds of bargaining, the Telstra Unions have agreed to form a single bargaining unit (SBU) with the CPSU and Professionals Australia, who represent workers in specific areas of Telstra’s businesses. Accordingly, the claims we develop following our member survey process will be tabled as a consolidated log of claims.

Once finalised, these claims will be shared with members.

Bargaining will continue next week and we will keep members updated as talks progress.

In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact your Branch Official.

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