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postie delivering mail to public

Australia Post reaffirms no MDCS assessments in NDMT sites

At the recent National Delivery Forum it was raised by the CUW that in a limited number of National Delivery Modelling Tool (NDMT) workplaces local management were using Miscellaneous Data Collection Sheet (MDCS) to review a PDO’s performance. Clearly this is not on. Under NDMT there are no workload assessments.

Local management have tried to justify their action saying there was an indoor “creep” in times. Hanging in or extending indoor times to financially benefit.

Mails (Delivery) Network General Manager, Peter Bass, reaffirmed that MDCS is not to be used as an indicator of specific daily workload or used as a discussion tool with a PDO.

If local management has a concern about a PDO’s indoor performance then the Team Leader should have a “cordial discussion” with the postie seeking to identify that all factors are being accounted for, i.e. setting up other rounds besides their own, mail arriving late, excessively high number of articles to be scanned etc.

If you are in NDMT workplace and management are using MDCS to assess your workload and using it to assess performance then contact your CWU state branch immediately. 

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