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Decision Review System in Progress

Telstra redeployment processes: Review Period coming up

We are now approaching the time when the first of the employees redeployed under the Telstra Enterprise Agreement 2015-2018 will have had three months in their new roles. 

That means that any employee who has been put into a job that he or she doesn’t believe is suitable can ask for a review of the decision. 

At the time the Agreement was being negotiated, members expressed deep concern that the mandatory redeployment provisions would be used to deny employees redundancy payouts. It was feared that employees would be placed in roles that were not “suitable” and then performance managed out of the company. 

It was in large part these concerns that led the CWU to recommend that members vote NO in the EA ballot. 

But the EA was voted up and is now in operation. So it is important that the CWU hears from any members who are not happy with the new role they have been assigned to and who want to have their situation reviewed. 

It is important that remembers that under the EA, you only have a one month window in which to ask for such as review ie after three months but no longer than four months after the date of your appointment to the new role. 

The CWU has had some preliminary discussions with Telstra about how these reviews will be conducted. The EA provides that if you and your manager can’t agree about the suitability of your role, the issue will be dealt with under Telstra’s Internal Resolution Process (IRP). You are entitled to have the CWU present during this process. 

But your union can only assist you if it knows what’s going on. Members considering asking for a review of their redeployment situation should contact their state branch immediately.

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