print :


downgrade ahead

Telstra Wideband Design update

The CWU is continuing to dispute Telstra’s re-grading of design and related functions in Wideband. 

The CWU and Telstra have now met several times over this issue. 

On the most recent occasion, Telstra asked the union for a more detailed explanation of its objections to the grading decisions, based on the particular functions performed by employees, both currently and under the new work model. 

Telstra’s re-organisation of Wideband has involved collapsing the Internal and External Design roles into one role, graded at Band 6 and, similarly, the CAN and Tech Appraiser roles into one role, graded at Band 7.  Our discussions to date have focussed chiefly on these two roles. 

Telstra has made it a condition of any further meetings that the CWU provide our objections to these moves in writing. The CWU has responded with arguments focussing in the first instance on the re-structured Designer role which we believe should be a Band 7.  If the correct grading of this position can be agreed upon, grading of the higher positions should follow. 

Members will be kept advised on developments.

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