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As members are aware, despite significant improvements being won by the Union through the bargaining process, we could not overlook what we saw as overwhelming shortcomings associated with nbn’s pay and remuneration offer as part of EBA negotiations.

With inflation increasing beyond the point of targets and forecasts as early as the second-half of last year, our clear demands to nbn throughout the bargaining process was for any wage increases to at least meet the rising rate of inflation.

This claim was unsuccessful and a majority of employees ultimately voted to accept the proposed EBA, earlier this year. Concerningly, cost of living pressures have only grown worse since the time employees made the decision to accept the Agreement.

The Union has since written to nbn seeking further pay negotiations, despite the EAs being voted on and accepted by the workforce, in good faith.

As an outcome of negotiations, nbn has provided undertakings to the Union to pay a wage rise equal to the scheduled 3.25%, or the CPI growth for the preceding 12-month period (whichever is greater), in the EBA’s third year.

This increase, inclusive of superannuation, will be paid to every member covered by the EBA.

Although any additional remuneration commitments we are able to secure outside the EBA is welcomed, the Union remains conscious, and concerned, with the rising cost of living pressures – and the impact of those pressures on nbn workers and their families.

As such, we will continue pursuing the same outcome to be applied to earlier wage outcomes scheduled in the 2022-2025 EBA.

Our strength is in numbers. It is therefore critical that we increase Union membership at nbn to secure the best possible outcomes for members and their families.

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