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posties & trucks

Truckies and posties top the list of Australia's deadliest jobs

Truckies, posties and warehouse workers top the list of Australia's deadliest jobs, according to new research.

The transport and storage industry recorded the highest number of deaths, with 65 workers killed on the job in 2012, comparison website Life Insurance Finder found.

Transport and storage workers accounted for nearly one-third of all workplace deaths that year.

Finder spokeswoman Michelle Hutchison said vehicle collisions caused most fatalities, with one in three workplace deaths occurring on the road.

Muscular stress while lifting, carrying or putting down objects was the most common cause of serious injury across all industries.

"Many Australian workers have to drive vehicles or lift things as part of their job and they may not realise how dangerous their work can be," she said.

Many people would be surprised to find retail trade was in the top 10 most dangerous line of work. Retail trade workers sustained more than 11,000 serious injuries and six fatalities in 2012. Driving, explosions, contact with chemicals and being trapped between objects were the most common causes of death for retail workers.

The list ranks jobs based on the number of deaths in 2012. The research defines a serious injury as resulting in an absence from work of one week or more. (Source:

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