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Post Connect

CWU notifies dispute in FWC on PostConnect

Last week the CWU National Office filed a dispute notice in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) about Post’s failure to consult the union on proposed changes to PostConnect.

Post told the CWU on 21st October 2014 of its intention to conduct a review of PostConnect. Only after questions by the union, did Post disclose that the future options for PostConnect were sale as a joint venture, selling the business or shutting down the business.

CWU National Office and State Branch representatives have met with Post on a number of occasions since to discuss the PostConnect review. But Post has refused to provide the information requested by the union.

In response to questions such as, how many companies are Post talking to about a joint venture? are they in fact talking to any companies about a joint venture? Post has nothing to say. We can conclude that option of a joint venture is probably not real. Clearly, Post has information that it is not sharing with its employees and the union.

Post has a duty under the EBA to inform the union of what it is really contemplating in relation to PostConnect. As well, the CWU has a right to influence the decision before it is made which should include options other than sale of PostConnect.

CWU members are very distressed by the lack of information from Post.  While there are reports from members about the sale, Post deny this. Any changes will have a significant impact on employees in PostConnect across Australia. PostConnect employs 109 employees nationally with 98 employees covered by the Post EBA. The majority of jobs are in Vic and NSW. There are a smaller number of employees in Qld, WA and SA. The PostConnect change is not part of the 900 job cuts.

The union is seeking real information and a real opportunity to influence any decision to sell off PostConnect.   

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