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Members would have received information from Telstra yesterday regarding their progression to a new legal structure.

Most members employed by Telstra today will be impacted by the restructure and will be required to enter in to a new contract of employment with their new employing entity. There are some important dates for members to be aware of, those are:

Next Tuesday 23 November 2021 you’ll receive an email advising if your role is moving to another entity and asking you to confirm personal data to ensure the contract you are presented with early next year is accurate.

2 February – 18 February 2022 you will asked to review and accept your new contract. It is important the members do not delay in completing this task as your employment with ‘Telstra Corporation’ will end on 16 March 2022.

Telstra have setup an employment transition website which can be accessed by clicking here. Members are encouraged to explore this website and view a sample employment contract by clicking here.

Importantly, members should take comfort in the security that Clause 47 of the current EBA provides.

Members fought incredibly hard to secure these provisions during the last round of bargaining and ensures you transition across to the new subsidiary with no changes to your employment arrangements such as your pay, superannuation, benefits and other entitlements, including recognition of service.

In the meantime, should you require any clarification of, or understanding any of the terms offered to you as part of this process, your Branch Officials can provide this assistance.

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