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Trial of changes to SMAX will commence this month

Members should take note of the following impending changes to the way those working on the Services contract under Field Service Excellence will see work orders displayed in Service Max Go (SMAX).

These changes will be rolled out via a trial with NBN’s field workforce over a two week period, this month. Following this trial, feedback will be gathered with any required adjustments made, before moving into a pilot stage with a single delivery partner to gather further feedback.

Once the pilot is complete, a stage of consultation will occur with delivery partners to design a possible implementation, before launching the changes nationally.

Importantly, there is no change to the scheduling and assigning of work, or how that work is undertaken in the field.  

  1. Current scenario: All work orders assigned in a technician’s schedule are displayed in SMAX Go, from 1am on the day.
  2. Proposed change: For Metro and larger Regional areas, only two work orders will display in SMAX Go from 1am on the day of work. Once a work order status is marked as terminal, the next work order will drip in, maintaining visibility of two work orders only.
  3. Exemptions: There is no change for Field Supervisors and technicians operating in select smaller regional areas and all remote areas. All work orders will continue to be visible in SMAX Go.

 What are the benefits? 

  • Alignment with industry standard: Other telecommunication industries provide technicians with a single work order view, on the day. By introducing changes to the work order view, ways of working will be better aligned to industry standards.
  • Optimising work order scheduling: Automated routing and workflow optimisation means work order scheduling considers the right technician, in the right location with the right skillset, in real time. Although work orders are tentatively scheduled and in place at 1am, by not communicating the full day view, the system can re-assign work orders across the day. This happens behind the scenes, resulting in a more productive day for technicians who may become idle, and supports improvements in meeting customer appointments.
  • On the day schedule is less likely to change: By displaying only two work orders, the Control Tower is able to minimise disruption to schedules. This introduces greater stability for the orders technicians can see and interact with, reducing missed appointments and enhancing the customer experience.
  • Spotlight on productivity: This change contributes to achieving a suitable, solid and productive workday for all technicians. This is central to ensuring technicians are fairly remunerated, stay engaged, and continue to deliver great customer outcomes.

 Should you require any further information, please contact your Branch Official for assistance.

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