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Northern contact centre

Northern Contact Centre goes 24x7

In response to customer demand, a 12 month trial of 24x7 operations is about to commence at the Northern Customer Contact Centre in Queensland.

Queensland Branch Secretary Phil Hughes said the new overnight shifts will be filled on a voluntary basis only.

“An extensive expressions of interest exercise is currently being conducted with our members to identify those who wish to take-part in the new shift times,” said Mr Hughes.

“Importantly, nobody will be forced to work outside their current span of hours.”

National Assistant Secretary Nicole Robinson said extensive consultation had led to a number of safety initiatives being introduced as part of the trial process.

“All 24x7 staff will be co-located together in an allocated area of the centre,” said Ms Robinson.

“Additionally, the shift manager will receive specialised OH&S training, along with being trained as a fire warden and designated as a first aid officer.

“Once it’s all up and running, additional training will be made available to the rest of the staff to ensure the contingency of these arrangements in the manager’s absence.

“We’re also looking closely at rostering arrangements and break scheduling to ensure members who may wish to leave the building during designated break times can do so in the safety of numbers.”

The overnight roles will mainly support customer access channels such as online chat, email and social media support portals.

National Secretary Greg Rayner welcomed the extension of services and Post’s ongoing commitment to keeping the jobs local.

“As demand for these services grows, more of this type of response to customer requirements is what will continue to set Australia Post apart from its competitors, supporting the company’s sustainability transformation,” said Mr Rayner.

“These are skilled jobs that require specialised training. However, increasingly this type of work outside Australia Post is being performed off-shore using cheap, overseas labour.

“Importantly, not only for our members but to the overall customer experience, these jobs will remain in Australia with the work being performed by the people we represent.

The trial is due to commence in early May.

If you require any further information, please contact the Queensland Branch Office on (07) 3255 0440.   

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