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Optus Employee Partnership Agreement (EPA) – Your Vote Matters!

Bargaining for a new Optus Employee Partnership Agreement has now concluded, with Optus seeking to put the offer to a vote. Soon, you will have the opportunity to decide whether to accept the new EPA, which will shape your pay and conditions for the next three years.

Access Period Opens,  Thursday the 27 February 2025,  this is your chance to view the proposed agreement and explanatory material. Should you have any questions please reach out to us.

Ballot Opens:    10am Wednesday the 12 March 2025

Ballot Closes:    5pm Monday the 17 March 2025

Negotiations have resulted in some slight improvements to existing conditions, including:

  • Parental leave enhancements
  • Connected days improvements
  • Opportunities to purchase additional leave
  • Access to defence leave
  • Greater clarity and strength in the overall document

However, one key concern remains: The EPA provides annual pay increases based on CPI, but these apply only to minimum pay rates rather than your actual rate of pay. We believe the company can do better by guaranteeing pay increases that reflect real wages, ensuring your income keeps pace with inflation and the rising cost of living.

Your Vote, Your Decision

A YES vote locks in the conditions of the agreement for the next three years.

A NO vote signals that members want further improvements, and the CWU is prepared to continue negotiations based on your concerns.

Your voice matters—make sure you have your say in the ballot!

For any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact your Union representative.

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