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Telstra EA offer: we want to hear from members

The Union continues to engage in bargaining with Telstra for a new Enterprise Agreement, with the telco today providing its first complete proposal.

The EA is being proposed to be split across four Agreements for each separate planned Telstra Group entity. Although Agreements for each subsidiary may be structured differently and contain different terminology, each EA will roll over all existing terms and conditions contained in the current Telstra EA – this is welcomed.

In terms of wages, Telstra has proposed a wage rise of 2.5% payable in October 2022, and 3% payable in October 2023. As with previous years, for Workstream employees each pay increase is a guaranteed flat increase to Fixed Remuneration. For Job Family employees this is a guaranteed Fixed Remuneration pool which is then distributed based on their individual performance rating and position in the pay range.

The increases would also apply to superannuation and all allowances payable under the Agreement.

Furthermore, the Federal Government proposes to increase the superannuation guarantee from 10% to 10.5% in July 2022. Assuming this proposal proceeds, Telstra intends to increase base pay rates by 0.5% - providing a net increase in wages of 3% for the 2022 financial year.

We want to hear from you

We believe members should be remunerated in a manner that allows you and your families to keep up with the massive increases we’re seeing in relation to food, clothing, petrol and housing costs, without sending you backwards.

In order to respond to Telstra with a position that reflects the views of our members, the Union will be holding online meetings to consult with members across the country.

These meetings will be your opportunity to provide your feedback to us on Telstra’s offer as we consider our next steps in the bargaining process.

Details on how to join meetings in your region will be distributed shortly.

Regardless of the next steps, it is critical that those who are not yet members of the Union join today to ensure we are able to deliver the best possible outcome for Telstra workers and their families. Ask your colleagues to join today at

In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact your State Branch Official for assistance.

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