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CWU to challenge Telstra design gradings

While the CWU was able to secure ongoing employment for most members who wanted to stay working in the areas of Telstra affected by the recent Enterprise Services reorganisation, there remain issues about the classification structure introduced as part of that exercise. 

At the centre of these, in the CWU’s view, is the effective broadbanding of the Wideband designer role and its classification as a CFW6. 

The work which the new CFW6s will be expected to do combines both the external and internal design functions and so the CWU believes it should be classified as a CFW7. 

The CWU has sought legal advice on how best to pursue this issue which not only involves a downgrading of the role into the future but of course also has financial implications for current employees from higher banding levels who either accepted or were assigned into the CFW6 positions. 

Telstra has to date declined to offer guarantees of ongoing salary maintenance for these employees.

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