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Network Construction

Telstra flags decision to end Network Construction travel time policy

Telstra has notified the CWU of its intention to retire its Network Construction Travel Policy.

Historically, employees involved in what was once Network Design and Construction (NDC)/Network Construction (NC) have had travel time arrangements specific to their particular mode of operation.

These have been designed to reflect the itinerant nature of much Network Construction work.

Telstra now says it wants to end these special arrangements and bring construction employees’ travel entitlements into line with those of all other employees ie with the Log on and Excess Travel Time provisions in Sections 12 and 14 of the Enterprise Agreement respectively.

A first meeting to discuss this proposal was held on Monday 14 December and attended by both state branch officials and Divisional Office representatives.

At the meeting the CWU told Telstra that, in its view, the current Log on and ETT arrangements do not adequately cover the circumstances that can arise for construction employees.

That is why there has been a special NC policy!

Discussions on this issue are continuing. Members wanting to have input into this matter should contact their state branch officials or John O’Donnell in the Divisional Office.

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