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One Network, equal pay trial to commence within weeks

Dear members,

A culmination of many months of negotiating and planning between your Union and Australia Post has led to the One Network Structure trial – commencing in delivery facilities across the country within the next seven to 14 days.

The trial will be conducted at 2 delivery centres in each state and will focus on examining the most efficient start times that align to premium receipt patterns, consolidates management structures and explores safe modes of delivery with a view to reducing serious injuries.

Divisional Secretary Greg Rayner said members had waited long enough for pay equity in delivery.

“By slashing our posties’ take-home pay by 15% by simply shifting starting times by half an hour, management thought they were pretty clever. They thought it would lead to lower employment costs overall without looking closely enough. However, attrition amongst non-penalty posties is through the roof along with employment costs as staff retention and productivity suffers,” said Greg.

“Bringing the pay of non-penalty posties in line with the people they work side by side with will lead to greater attendance, greater engagement, improved productivity and overall higher staff retention rates. Your Union has been telling them this for years.”

Joint briefings involving management and your Union officials are currently being conducted at the trial sites and all changes that occur as part of the trial will be driven in full consultation with local working groups of Union nominated local representatives along with local management.


In saying that, management’s intentions to implement their Telematics across delivery nationally will now instead be contained only to the trial sites and, as a component on the trial, will be subject to the same local consultation  — and with additional safeguards that have been successfully negotiated by your Union’s most senior leadership. 

Through persistent negotiation, National Secretary Greg Rayner along with your State Branch leadership including NSW Branch Secretary Shane Murphy, Victorian Secretary Leroy Lazaro, QLD Secretary Cameron Bird, SA/NT Secretary Nick Townsend and WA Secretary Barry McVee, were successful in securing key restrictions and guidelines around the use of geo-location based aspects of management’s Telematics programme. Namely, any location data will now only be able to be inspected when a safety incident or accident occurs or to follow up on a serious customer complaint. Management are restricted from accessing this data in any other routine-type basis.

Any other data captured by the Telematics programme will be utilised only for evaluating success against the trial’s key indicators.

Some out there will look to denigrate this trial, your Union says; disregard them. Achieving pay equity across our delivery group nationally is far too important to let others try to hijack and derail for their own agendas.


Two trial sites have been selected for each state in consultation with your State Branch Secretaries, and are as follows:

  • NSW Leightonfield DF, Ingleburn DF

  • Victoria Airport West DC, Mooroolbark DC

  • Tasmania Western Shores DC, Launceston DC

  • South Australia Glynde DC, Somerton DC

  • Queensland Heathwood DC, Rockhampton DC

  • Northern Territory Darwin DC

  • Western Australia Bunbury DC, Joondalup DC

Greg said Union Officials will be keeping a close eye on the trials and working closely with our local representatives at the trial sites.

“Your Officials will do everything possible to support our members participating in the trial for them to work effectively with local management to find solutions and perfect a structure that can be replicated and rolled out nationally — delivering pay equity to all posties across the country,” said Greg.

“Management’s divide and conquer strategy has not worked. Workers haven’t turned on each other. Posties who receive penalty rates have agitated for pay equity for their workmates just as loud as anyone else.

“Our posties have been waiting a long time for this. We’re only at the starting line and there is a lot to be demonstrated through these trials, but we’re incredibly proud of what we’ve all been able to achieve by getting it off the ground.

“We are all extremely confident that working together through this trial, CEPU/CWU members at these trial sites will embrace change that is fair, safe and reasonable to ensure Australia Post achieves the efficiency outcomes they’re looking for, within the protections and safeguards negotiated by your Union, while affording all of our posties with equal pay.”

A mid-trial review will take place at the three month mark. At the conclusion of the trial, a thorough review will occur involving your senior Union leadership team along with Australia Post. The decision to expand, modify, extend or cease the trial will be based upon review.

We will keep members updated as the trial progresses.

Yours faithfully,


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